FAVOURITE PHOTO… photographs and stories from around the world

Favourite Photo…one of my attempts to inject a new liveliness, contemporary and youthful feel to Subud Voice. And to take advantage of the fact that our online format permits the display of photographs in colour at reasonable size and quality.

A new feature in Subud Voice this year, since we went online, is that in every issue since February we have had a “favourite photo’. Both staff and readers have contributed photos and accompanying stories. We could republish them all but have restricted ourselves to just two…


Mansur Geiger is an Australian Subud member who has lived in Indonesia for many years and has been one of the pioneers of Subud’s mineral exploration in Kalimantan. This has sometimes taken him to the most remote parts of the island of Borneo. He has documented his journeys with superb photographs. He writes of this one… I took this photo on my first trip to the head waters of the Rungan River in 1981, at a time when the only access to the remote villages was by river in a small canoe. The journey from Rungan Sari to this last village on the river took 1 week. Over the years this photo has remained one of my own personal favourites from my collection. The mother’s protective hat, the gold earring, made from gold the mother recovered from the river herself, the embrace of mother and child, and above all the extraordinary gaze to the heavens on the beautiful face of the child.. The photo has always said so much to me, having spent many years living with these wonderfully natural people.


Sunset Hanmer Springs












Alica Bryson-Haynes writes…

A week before the World Congress in Christchurch in 2010, I was staying with my family and friends at Hanmer Springs in New Zealand. We saw this sunset which was the most spectacular all of us had ever seen. We all interpreted it as a good omen for the congress. It felt like a blessing. The photo is exactly as I took it. It has not been photo-shopped in any way.

Alica is currently going to university in Australia, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, where she is doing a Masters in Fine Art (Painting.) To see more of Alica’s work go to www.briannaalica.com. There you will see a selection of her work from when she finished her degree at Kingston University in England. You can contact her from the site about purchasing her work.


Harris adds: This photo below was not originally included as part of ‘Favourite Photo’, but the photo is one of my favourite ‘Subud’ photos ‘Paulette with Lion’…  so here it is (from Subud Voice March 2011 read the article in the Archives)

Paulette with lion.